Social Media Policy
This Social Media Policy applies to employees who use any kind of social media platforms. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action up to and including termination. If you are posting any information relating to Transition Systems, you may wish to make sure your manager is comfortable with your taking that action. Your Social Media postings should not disclose any information that is confidential or proprietary to the company or to any third party that has disclosed information to Transition Systems. If you comment on any aspect of the company’s business or any policy issue in which the company is involved and in which you have responsibility, you must clearly identify yourself as a Transition Systems employee in your postings or blog site(s) and include a disclaimer that the views are your own and not those of Transition Systems. In addition, Transition Systems employees should not circulate postings they know are written by other Transition Systems employees without informing the recipient that the author of the posting is a Transition Systems employee. Your Social Media posting should reflect your personal point of view, not necessarily the point of view of Transition Systems. Because you are legally responsible for your postings, you may be subject to liability if your posts are found defamatory, harassing, or in violation of any other applicable law. You may also be liable if you make postings which include confidential or copyrighted information (music, videos, text, etc.) belonging to third parties. All of the above mentioned postings are prohibited under this policy. When posting your point of view, you should neither claim nor imply you are speaking on Transition Systems’ behalf, unless you are authorized in writing by your manager to do so. If you identify yourself as a Transition Systems employee on any Social Media posting, refer to the work done by Transition Systems or provide a link on a Transition Systems website, you are required to include the following disclaimer in a reasonably prominent place: “the views expressed on this post are mine and do not necessarily reflect the views of Transition Systems.” Your Social Media postings should not include Transition Systems’ logos or trademarks, and should respect copyright, privacy, fair use and other applicable laws. Transition Systems may request that you avoid certain subjects or withdraw certain posts if it believes that doing so will help ensure compliance with applicable laws. Your Social Media postings should not violate any other applicable policy of Transition Systems, including those set forth in the Employee HR Policy. You agree that Transition Systems shall not be liable, under any circumstances, for any errors, omissions, loss or damages claimed or incurred due to any of your Social Media postings. Transition Systems reserves the right to suspend, modify, or withdraw this Social Media Policy, and you are responsible for regularly reviewing the terms of this Social Media Policy. |